A collection of random comics about design, introversion, and sandwiches.
Every Weekend
Expectation VS Reality of The Design Process
Every Time I Try to Meditate
Power of Persuasion
Trying to Connect
Sharing My Love for Burgers
Design Thinking
Nobody is Perfect
Attempting to Have Meaningful Conversations
UX Copy Matters!
Giving Feedback
Designing Products People Love ❤️
Trying to be Extroverted
When the Voices Get a Bit Too Loud
Hi, I’m Pablo Stanley. I write comics, design things at InVision, and share stuff on Instagram and Twitter. Let’s be friends 🙂
Written by
Pablo Stanley
Designer at InVision. Cofounder of Carbon Health. Writer at The Design Team. A teacher at Sketch Togeth
The Design Team
Comics about a design team for a tech startup in Silicon Valley.