It’s technical writing digest time! Meet interesting and helpful articles, news, and videos!
Upcoming Techcomm Conferences 2019
We are in the middle of 2019 and many conferences and meetups for this year are already over, but there are some major events to look forward to. Attending techcomm conferences is a great way to get to know many like-minded people, create useful business connections, learn about what’s going on in the industry and take some particularly interesting insights home: Upcoming Techcomm Conferences 2019.
[Tech Experiment] Plan and Process of Building an App
Last month, Amruta Ranade learned how to build a CRUD application with CockroachDB and deploy it on Google App Engine. In this video, she shares her process of how she chose the application and tech stack.
This video is Part 1 of a new video series that gives you a behind-the-scenes look into how Amruta learns new technology on-the-job as a tech writer.
How to Use Adverbs in Technical Documents
It is widely thought that adverbs are evil. You’ll see this repeated over and over in numerous articles that promise to teach you the fine art of writing. Technical writers create a lot of text, some of it is less generic than other and this ‘less generic text’ brings them closer to novelists, bloggers journalists, as they start wondering whether there is something wrong with their writing style. However, are adverbs really that evil as it’s considered? Read here: ‘How to Use Adverbs in Technical Documents’.
Interesting Documentation Idea
Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible file-based Web-platform. They realized a good idea in their documentation — topics that you’ve read are marked. It’s an interesting concept to make your documentation more user-friendly.
Google Announced Docsy
Have you ever struggled with the process of creating documentation for an open source project? Do you have an open source project that’s outgrown its README? Open source projects need great docs to succeed, but great open source doc sites aren’t always easy to produce and share.
Google supports over 2000 open source projects, and there has been growing demand from these projects for tooling and guidance to help them write and publish their documentation. To meet this need Google created Docsy: a documentation website with templates and guidance for documentation, which we’re open sourcing to the public to use and help improve the tool.
Technical Writing is Easy