Doyou use Telegram? If yes, this post will be useful for you – I’ve gathered top telegram channels for technical writers who want to get helpful information quickly. If you don’t use Telegram, I recommend that you have a look at this app because it’s full of channels where professionals share their experience with followers for free. Sounds interesting, huh? Let’s get started!
Technical Writing Blog
This channel is for technical writers, web developers and web designers willing to grow. Experts share their experience on different topics from technical to productivity tips.
Tech Guide
It’s all about Android, Windows, iOS, Computer-related tips, tricks, guide & news. Join the channel if you want to keep yourself updated on programming news, tips, and tricks.
The Art of Programming
Do technical writers need to learn a programming language? It depends on your job requirements and interests but, of course, if you know a programming language, it’ll help you move up the career ladder faster: ‘Do Technical Writers Need to Learn Programming Language’.
So, in this channel, developers share tips and tricks for those who want to master coding. You’ll also get useful information about programming along with some great tutorial videos curated from trusted sources.
Ask Me
The Ask Me channel keeps you updated with daily general knowledge. You’ll get daily general knowledge questions and answers.
Programmer Jokes
If you love coding, this channel will serve you daily programmer logical and wittiest jokes that bring out the fun element in programming.
Interesting Engineering
Interesting Engineering is a cutting edge, leading community designed for all lovers of engineering, technology, and science. Get the latest updates on engineering, technology and science topics along with interesting videos and other quality content every day.
Science is one of the most popular Telegram channels dedicated entirely to share interesting science videos and articles. The channel curates content from popular and reliable information sources on the internet.
Technology Boxes
The channel is dedicated to technology news, latest gadgets, fun facts, information on futurism, and technology updates. It is more focused on sharing video content, which makes it a likely choice for those who prefer to have a quick bite on the latest tech news.
Data Science
Data Science is apparently the first Telegram channel dedicated to data science. It covers all technical and popular staff about anything related to Data Science: AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Statistics, General Math and the applications of former.