Social Networks in Technical Writing

Today the whole world has gone mad about social networks. Not only private users are engaged but huge companies as well. What about technical writing? Technical writers also take part in this process. Social networks take technical communication to a totally new level. There has always been a huge gap between the writers and the readers. Due to social networks it no longer exists. Writers and readers got closer to each other, and communication between them has become a real talk. Both sides take part in it.

Many companies today start using social networks for sharing technical documentation created for the employees. Of course, not everything can be made public. It is up to the company to decide what to show and what to leave for the internal use only. But still, this trend is quite strong today. Social networks make documentation highly accessible. Moreover, they provide quick and effective communication between the employees and the management of the company raising the productivity of their cooperation. The positive effect is undeniable.

Another popular trend among companies is using social networks to share technical documentation with their customers. This tendency is even more overwhelming than the previous one. It contributes to the service and sociability of the company. It creates a favorable, credible, and open image of the company. Once again the process of communication becomes quicker, more informative, and efficient. Those who are interested in your documentation will find it no matter where they are, what time it is and what they are doing. Of course, not all the companies are ready for that. They should be as open as possible when communicating in social networks.

As for the technical writers, they can find their benefits in social networks as well. One of them is becoming a part of a professional community. There you will find people who are as passionate about technical writing as you are. They often share their experience and other useful information related to your professional interests. That not only contributes to your professional development but also can give you a good impulse in your career. So, there definitely is a sense to be active in social networks and escalate your career.

It is a matter of great value to keep up with the time and to learn new things. Be active, work in that direction and you will see the results.


Bradley Nice


Bradley Nice

Content Manager at ?. I write about web design, web development and technical writing. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook
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