What can be more boring and uninspiring than clicking all the time? 🙂 This can become a terrible routine. Let`s get back to some useful shortcuts to save our time and nerve!
For Windows:
- Ctrl +←/→ — replace the cursor
- Ctrl + W — close the window
- Ctrl + N — open a new window
- Ctrl + F — find something
- Ctrl + F4 — close the active document
- Ctrl + Shift + T — open the recently closed window
- Ctrl + Shift + N — create a new folder
- Ctrl + Shift + Esc — open the task manager.
- F2 — rename the folder
- Windows Key + P — use several screens
- Windows + Shift + S — make a screenshot of a specific area
- Windows Key + R — оpens the run menu
- Windows Key + M — minimize all the windows
- Shift + Windows Key + M — restore the windows that were minimized with the previous keystroke.
For Mac:
- Command+C — copy the selected item
- Command+D — duplicate the selected item
- Command+E — eject the selected volume
- Command+F — display find dialog
- Command+M — minimize the active window
- Command+W — close the active window
- Command+O — open the selected item
- Command+Z — undo the last action
- Command+1 — show the active window in icon mode
- Command+2 — show the active window in list mode
- Command+3 — show the active window in column mode
- Command+Del — move selected items to the trash
- Command+Shift+G — take you to the folder that you specify
- Command+Shift+H — take you to your home folder
- Command+Shift+Del — delete the contents of the trash
- Space — quick look
I hope this short reminder is helpful to you! Don`t forget to use these shortcuts and make your working process easier =)
Have a nice day!
Bradley Nice, Content Manager at ClickHelp.com — best online documentation tool for SaaS vendors
Source: https://medium.com/level-up-web/let-s-revise-the-most-useful-shortcuts-fd6855c0c61e