Productivity Tips to Better Remote Work

Because of quarantine, we have to build a new skill…work at home. Read these tips to make this process faster.

Figure out your routine

The majority of us are not used to working at home. We all have our daily office routine, and the quarantine period when we should work at home can be challenging. That’s why it’s essential to find your routine to work productively.

Instituting a morning “heading-to-work” routine will help you gear up for the day. Even if your desk is only a few feet away from your bed, you should get prepared for your work — make the effort of showering, getting dressed, etc. These seemingly mundane tasks will give you time to mentally prepare for the work day and will make you more alert and keen.

Plan out your schedule

When you’re ready and sitting at your desk, it’s still be hard to start working since your home desk is not the place where you used to work. In order to not to start procrasinating is to make a plan. I recommend to add some easy-to-do points to the top of your list to check whether you have acess to all your documents and tools, it also will help you to get used to your new desk.

However, this schedule should be flexible to add some new urgent points. Sticking to a schedule suited to your idiosyncratic needs and strengths will help you be more productive and stay on top of your deadlines.

Avoid distractions

Let’s be honest, it’s the hardest tip because many of use have children, pets who are all at home, and, of course, it will be hard to concenrate.

The best way is to not waste time on social media, YouTube and other resources during the work. The main idea is to minimise disctractions if you can’t avoid them at all.

Use the proper tools

When you’re working at home you should have access to all your documents and projects, here is where cloud tools step in. And a cloud technical writing tool is a great boost of productivity — no efforts required, just open your online documentation portal and start working. I would recommend that this quarantine became a fresh start for you when you tried something new. ClickHelp will be the great choice. It is a modern browser-based documentation tool used by software companies all over the world to create online user manuals, knowledge bases, help files, FAQs, tutorials and publish them instantly in their portal.

ClickHelp is easy to set up and use — no installation, runs in a web browser and supports multiple platforms: Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. This makes it easy to author your documentation from any place in the world. So, you can easily work at home, collaborate with your team, and when you’ll get back to your office, nothing will be missed — everything is saved on your portal.

Don’t forget about self-care

When you try to work hard don’t forget to care about yourself. A quarantine is not only the time when you struggle to be productive and proacrive but it’s also for self-care. You should listen to your body — drink enough water to keep your mucosa hydrated, eat well, and the like to stay safe!


Written by
Ann Green
Content Manager at ClickHelp. In my blog, I write about technical writing.
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