Technical Writing Digest

Technical writing digest is here to help you learn something new!


Technical Writing and Sports Industry

The sports industry is rarely named among the top places for tech writers to work. But, actually, there’s a lot of technical communication going on there. Let’s take a look at what a technical writer is needed for in the sports industry.

How small is too small to launch new docs?

When you’re writing documentation or other content that can be published on your schedule — “when it’s ready” — then it can be hard to know when you’ve done enough to launch. If shipping is not tied to an external deadline, such as a product release, a conference, or other fixed event, then it’s on you and your content alone to make the decision. How much is enough?

The art of writing great release notes

One of the first tasks I was given as a technical writer was writing a set of release notes. For the most part it involved pulling together developer notes, removing jargon, and rewriting the text in concise English that customers could understand.

New Technical Writing Ebook

Techcomm Industry: Job Analysis and Forecast

Technical writers are everywhere. You might not see them, but the results of their work are omnipresent. Every piece of equipment you use, every tool is created according to technical documents written by someone. Even the jobs you take have documentation that holds their processes together.

Since they are out of everyone’s sight, technical writers themselves think that they’re desired in the IT industry only. However, it’s a misconception — technical writers are needed everywhere from IT to manufacturing.

To help you find a new niche, we created this ebook, where you find answers to such questions as:

  • How to jump technical writing industries?
  • What industries hire technical writers?
  • What skills do you need to build?
  • How can you get the job in a new sphere?
  • And much more.


API The Docs presents the video recordings, slide decks, and talk summaries on different API topics. Here is a list:

Get Experience

GitLab suggests you fix some issues so you can gain hands-on experience in the code contribution process. Learn more here.

Here are some good examples: 1st-time contributors.



Kesi Parker

Kesi ParkerJob position: Freelance Technical Writer. I use ClickHelp for technical writing.

Technical Writing is Easy

Technical Writing is Easy

Technical writing is for everyone!

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